Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summertime means family time!

When Daniel started back into school, he said he was going nonstop until he finished. Two semesters of full-time school later: complete burn-out. So Daniel took the summer off. And frankly, I'm glad. He's not driving the school bus right now--just working 9-5 at the dealership--so we actually get to eat breakfast together in the morning and spend time as a family in the evenings. It's only been a few weeks, but I'm loving it. I've missed having my whole family together. Here are some pictures of one fun evening we had at home.
We were looking for the aloe gel to put on George's freshly sunburned legs (we took a long walk to the library and I forgot to put sunscreen on us). Well, the aloe was in my drybag with all my river stuff (I haven't been burned since we were in Jackson) including my shortie wetsuit. Lynny tromped around the house in it for a bit until she decided it didn't quite fit right. 

Summertime is also family reunion least for Daniel's family. (I haven't been to a Meppen family reunion since the summer I graduated from high school.) But Daniel's family has several each summer. And today was the first one: The Larsen reunion, or Daniel's maternal great grandpa's family. Everyone lives close by so they just sent out invitations to everyone to come play games at a park, bring a lunch (a birthday cake for Great Grandpa was provided for dessert...even though he's been dead a long time), and visit for hours and hours. I loved seeing everyone greeting each other, passing hugs around, and commenting on the growth of each kid. I imagine that's what it will be like in heaven someday. Everyone greeting each other, no matter how long it's been, just so excited to be reunited. I can't wait.
Here are some pictures from that.
The old man in the middle is Uncle Dewayne. He's the oldest living Larsen right now.
A tender moment between sisters, Aunt Karen and Aunt Edyth.

All of the Larsen kids, circa about 1930. The little boy playing caboose is Uncle DeWayne and the baby boy is Garth. They're the only two still living. And the second tallest girl is Bessie, Daniel's grandma. (Did you notice the duct tape holding the picture up? Love it.)

So, now, I'm thinking the Meppens need to get together for some extended family time. I'd love to see you all again, and frankly, there aren't too many of us so how hard can it be? How's about we get a family reunion in the works for next summer, or the year after?


  1. Yes! Yes! Yes! And Lynny's hair looks just like yours in all of your baby pictures.

  2. Lizzy just needs to get married. We'll show up for that.
