Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter pictures

You know, in my head, Easter was not going to be a big deal. We would wake up Sunday morning, come out and find our humble Easter baskets filled with candy, some new church outfits from Gramma... I mean the Easter Bunny. Then we would hunt for the six hard-boiled eggs we dyed. And then we would go to church.
BUT...the Saturday before Easter we were at Costco and saw something. And in that moment our humble, simple Easter morning became this:

We found a giant (as in 53 inch tall) teddy bear. And frankly, we wanted it more for ourselves than for the kids, but they provided a great excuse. So now we have "Grizzly Gibson" sitting in Lynny' room. We figured that since we can't have a dog, we might as well get something else big and furry.
Lynny loves it. She'll sit in it's lap and read books. She'll have me drag it out into the living room so she can sit in it's lap while I feed George. It's awesome. We love that giant bear.
And here are some more pictures from Easter. (Of course the bear is included)

"Hey Lynny, how big are you?"
"SOOOO big!

George in his new church outfit. It's a twelve month size outfit, believe it or not. I had to hem the pants, but otherwise, everything fit.

Easter candy coma.


  1. Yay for blogs! You have such a beautiful family. Love the bear.

  2. HI!!! Sorry I've disappeared off the grid for a while - crazy busy. Anyway, CONGRATS on George - he is so handsome! And Lynny is looking bigger and cuter than ever. Keep up the good work, I miss you guys!
